If you spend as much time looking through our blogs as we do, then there’s probably a couple things we should let you know –
Firstly, we have a weekly newsletter. You should check it out, it’ll clue you in on all of our news, deals, and sales every week. You won’t have to keep refreshing our blog pages, waiting for a new secret voucher to come out. That way you can focus on the reason you clicked on this blog post in the first place: A BIGO recharge!
So what do we mean when we say BIGO recharge?
Simply put, it means you’re getting more diamonds so that you can keep sending gifts to your favourite streamers. A BIGO Recharge is the lifeblood of the app.
Why do we call it a recharge?
Think of it like recharging your phone. Just like when your phone is running out of juice, and you’ve got to recharge it again so you can use it for longer. It’s always worth recharging your BIGO account. That way you can keep showing your favourite streamers the appreciation they deserve!
How do you recharge your account?
If you click here, you’ll be taken to our homepage. From there, all you need to do is scroll down and pick the diamond package you want. After that you go through the checkout, and one of our amazing team will be on hand to verify your order, and have your diamonds with you in 5-10 minutes. Then you’ll be good to go and reward those amazing streamers again!
To get you on your way, here’s a fun 10% off discount code you can use on your next purchase – SECRET10
Want a great value BIGO Recharge? Buy from our website and get the best deals from a trusted BIGO Reseller.